quinta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2010

io okazis (something happened)

mi forgesis cxion
io okazis
pli bona il, ol nenio
cxio homo amas sin mem

Mi neniel povas kompreni, kion vi parolas
ili cxiel helpis al mi
ili iel rememorigas min pria alia persono
vi povus inciti lin kiom ajn
li nenial kolerus

domingo, 24 de outubro de 2010

pressure on me

Talking about future
makes me think
but only assures me that my guessing was already correct
everything you do has 50% change
to goes wrong

what you have to do is hork hard
to try to make the probability that it works
gets higher

always have a "plan B"
but keep in mind that this is just a steppe

I'll try not to be fooled by the society
and get for me what they want
"they'll never be satisfied untill you work
with something you dislike, to get a lot of money,
wich you'll have no time to use, 'cause your work takes you to the limit
and you work much more than you can" - says ficke

that really makes me think.
"i just want the best for you" - says the family

"just don't be worried about that
i know that even if every single step
goes wrong i stil have my friends
'cause they will support me when i need
just like I would do for them
and that's for sure"

and that's what I'm saying

sexta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2010

futile games for a pseudo life

mummies, old, yet in perfect conditions
growing need for change
agonized shrieks

open my mouth
all my strenght to empty my lungs
no appaerent sound
at least for the rest of the world

"do you really think one person can change anything?"
"will three people make a difference?"

no, they really won't change everything
but every time I expose my ideals
one more person MAYBE see what i'm trying to tell
geometric progression

starts small, but like a snowball of knowledge
we'll break down the society how we know
try to think a little bit further

"you're too radical, you think you can change everything"

I prefer to think like this,
than sitting on a chair and think how to get more money
to buy brand new things
that will be not trendy in two months

buy a toilet that wipes your ass
pay a hooker to suck your cock
I dare you to buy hapiness

domingo, 3 de outubro de 2010

social judgement

don't know how to describe,
me being steriotyped

blank minds, they have
but don´t want to wite down anything
whats the point having a blank book?

in my vision you should write down
everything that's usefull
maybe I see use in useless things or feelings
or maybe I'm trying to

maybe anybody alse feel anything
just like me
how can they pretend so well?